Within the framework of ERA PerMed Joint Transnational Call made for the fourth time this year with the partnership of research institutions in Turkey, Italy, Germany and France, the supports given under the heading “
Multidisciplinary Research Projects On Personalised Medicine – Development Of Clinical Support Tools For Personalised Medicine Implementation” have been announced. The project titled “
TECH-TOYS: Acquire digiTal biomarkErs in InfanCy witH sensorized TOYS for early detection and monitoring of neurodevelopmental disorders”, submitted to the call under the Turkey coordinatorship
Prof. Dr. Hatice Köse (Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering), is granted support.
In this study, it is planned to diagnose and follow-up infants with Cerebral Palsy by using sensor game platforms and artificial intelligence supported methods.
ERA PerMed NewsLetter 7
We congratulate our Prof. Dr. Hatice Köse and wish her success in the project.

About Prof. Dr. Hatice Köse
Prof. Dr. Hatice Köse, has been working as a faculty member at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Computer and Informatics since 2010. She is the Computer Engineering Graduate Coordinator and the Vice-Chair of Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. She has academic studies in areas such as social and assistive robots, human-robot interaction, e-health, sign language, gamification. She has undertaken three TÜBİTAK projects and an Erasmus+ project on robotics and artificial intelligence for children with hearing impairment and autism, and completed an EU COST project on games for children with disabilities. She participated as a researcher in two EU projects in the fields of human-robot interaction and e-textile.