Seminars & speeches organized by our faculty or attended by our faculty members as speakers in 2022 are listed in the news.
Dr. Vitomir Struc will give a seminar on Wednesday, September 12 at 15:30.
The 2022 Graduation Ceremony was celebrated with great enthusiasm on Thursday, July 28 at ITU Ayazaga Campus.
Faculty Graduation Ceremony will be held on Thursday, July 28 at 14:00 at İTÜ SDKM.
Application Deadline: July 30, 2022
Res. Assist. Kıymet Kaya gave a technical training on artificial intelligence and its uses.
Anyone interested is invited to the seminar that Dr. Eren Erdal Aksoy will give on Thursday, June 23, 2022.
Anyone interested is invited to the event that will take place on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at SDKM.
The paper of Res. Asst. Tolga Sarı and Dr. Gökhan Seçinti has received the best paper award at IEEE WCNEE 2022.