6G Enabled Digital Twin Networks by Prof. Dr. Berk Canberk

by Fahrettin Ay | Eki 25, 2021
Prof. Dr. Berk Canberk 28 Ekim Perşembe günü Microsoft tarafından Kopenhag'da düzenlenecek TechTalk etkinliğinde seminer verecek.
Yapay Zeka ve Veri Mühendisliği Bölümü öğretim üyemiz Prof. Dr. Berk Canberk, 28 Ekim Perşembe günü Microsoft tarafından Kopenhag'da düzenlenen TechTalk seminerinde "6G Enabled Digital Twin Networks" başlığıyla konuşma gerçekleştirecek. 

About the event:
With the tremendous advances in the upcoming 6G era, the world enters an age of connected intelligence. This will enable real-time Digital Twin deployments with specific integrated features such as seamless automation and control, augmented reality/virtual reality, visualization, and more connected devices per square kilometer. This new knowledge-based era of the 6G vision needs seamless control systems, fully automated management, artificial-intelligence enabled communication, well-bred computing methodologies, self-organizing behaviors, and high-end connectivity. Here, the importance of Digital Twins Network (DTN) based systems has become vital. Digital Twin Network (DTN) is the virtual representation of a Cyber-Physical System's network elements and dynamics. The use of DTN provides undue advantages such as resiliency, sustainability, real-time monitoring, control-tower-based management, thorough what-if analyses, an extremely high-performance simulation model for research, testing, and optimization. With these in mind, in this talk, first, a short recap of the ai-enabled digital twin concept and its potential market size in Industry 4.0 will be introduced. The technology behind DTN, such as the high precision virtual network modeling and edge intelligence for ultra-low latency, will then be described.  The reliability, latency, capacity, and connectivity issues in DTN will be discussed. Moreover, several application areas of DTN will also be underlined in terms of demand forecasting, warehouse automation, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, risk assessment, intelligent scheduling, and control tower. Some important implementation areas of DTN such as Supply Chain Management, Smart Manufacturing, Sustainable Product Line Management, Healthcare, and Smart Cities will also be covered. 

More about the speaker:
Prof. Berk Canberk is a Professor with the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and an Adjunct Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University. He is also the vice-dean responsible for Research and Development in ITU Faculty of Computer and Informatics Engineering, and Director of ITU Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Research and Development Center.  His current research interests are in AI-enabled network control systems, automated cyber-physical systems, digital twin networks and 6G networks In his research group named Broadband Communication and Network Automation Research Group (BCRG) (http://bcrg.itu.edu.tr/), he leads the research activities over these highly interdisciplinary fields currently supervising 8 PhD and 4 MSc students. He has supervised over 13 MS students; and 4 PhD students. His research has so far been funded by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) NEWTON Research Collaboration, Turkish Telekom, several Turkish IT Companies and many others. He is an IEEE Senior Member and he acts as an editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier) and Communication Networks Journal (Elsevier). He is involved in several conferences as TPC chair and member including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, and in organizing committees of many other conferences.   

İTÜ Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Fakültesi

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi'nde Bilgisayar Mühendisliği eğitimi, 1980 yılında Elektrik-Elektronik Fakültesi bünyesinde kurulan Kontrol ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü ile başlamıştır. Çağın gereklerine daha uygun bir eğitim verebilmek amacıyla, 1997 yılında Bilgisayar Mühendisliği aynı fakültenin bir bölümü olarak yeniden yapılanmıştır. 2010 yılında Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Fakültesi'nin kurulmasıyla ilgili program ve bölümler yeni fakülteye aktarılmıştır. Fakültemizin tarihçesi için tıklayınız.

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